Created: 4th February 2018
Update:  4th February 2018
Status Republic: Patrician:     Pleb. Nobilis:       Senatorial:      Eques Romanus:      Local magistrates  
Republican Family / Cognomen
Patrician n/a
Pleb. Nobilis n/a
Senatorial n/a
Equestrian n/a
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Imperial Family / Cognomen
Imperators n/a
Consular Auspex, Peregrinus,
Senatorial Sebennus,
Equestrian n/a
Equestrian (mil) no cognomen,
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Republican Consuls, Tribunes with consular power, Dictators, Magister Equitum, Censors n/a
Imperial Consuls and Emperors (Augusti and Caesars) 4 incl. 0 emperors
Notes: Dating of careers is uncertain. One theory holds with the approximate dates given in the stemma below (cf PIR, following Stein in 1896), with the age gap between 
P538 (cos c.185) and P536 (cos 244) being explained by a late adoption;  another theory (Alföldy) holds that P538 is identical to P539 and the career of P538 
is to be moved forward a generation. See alternative stemma below.
The post iudex ex delegatione Caesaris, held by two consulars, is a judicial deputy (judge of appeals) of the emperor in Rome. Auspex maior's post probably
when Marcus and Commodus were fighting the Germans and Sarmatians. Minor's iudex dating is disputed: Commodus, Septimius Severus or Alexander Severus.
The gentilicium is normally spellt Pollienus rather than Pollenius (the Greek version).
Literature Alföldy: Fasti Hispanienses (1969) p.53-56 (Iulius Pollienus Auspex; Alföldy combines  P538 and P539 into one man, and moves the governorship of Moesia Inf 
dated 194-196 to Auspex maior. Iulius Pollienus Auspex becomes the father of Pollienus Armenius Peregrinus cos ord 244)
Alföldy: Konsulat (1977) p.204, 227 (Auspex maior P537)
Birley: Roman Government of Britain (2005) p.348-351 favors that Auspex minor is the same man as Iulius Pollienus Auspex.
Birley: "The Governors of Numidia, AD 193-268", in JRS vol.40, 1950, p.63 (§9 Ti. Iulius Pollienus Auspex P539; dates governorship to c.217-220)
Boteva, Dilyana: "Legati Augusti pro praetore Moesiae inferioris A.D. 193-217/218", in ZPE Bd. 110 (1996), pp. 240-241 dates P538's governorship to
193/4-195 based on coin evidence (not 196 or 197 as previously believed)
Dietz: Senatus (1980) p.200-202 (§66 Ti. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus cos 244) with stemma p.371 following the stemma in PIR.
Egger, Rudolf: "Ein neuer Statthalter der Provinz Dalmatien", in JÖAI (Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes, Beiblatt), 19/20, 
1919, p.311-314 discusses the careers of P537 and P538.
Fitz, Jeno: "Die Laufbahn der Statthalter in der römischen Provinz Moesia Inferior", Weimar, 1966, p.27-28 on the governorship 194-196 which he assigns P538.
Fitz Alba Regia 12, 1972, p.242-243
Jagenteufel: Dalmatia (1958) p.69-72 (§21 Pollenius Auspex P537)
Leunissen: Konsuln (1989) p.139-140, p.231, 236-7, 247-8,250, 352-3 (career of P538); he prefers the old stemma with Auspex minor cos.suff c.185), 
p.176, 276,359 (career of P539), p.272 (Sebennus P540), p.214, 319(career of P537)
Mennen: Power and Status (2010) p.99-101 (the members of the Pollenii or Pollieni)
Piso: Fasti Daciae (1993) p.186-192 (§41 Ti. Iulius Pollienus Auspex P539, who he identifies with P538, thus moving all offices forward: 
Numidia 212/217 cos suff 212/217 Moesia Sup 222-225 Dacia 225-227 Hisp Cit 227-230 Brit 230/235
Piso believes Pollienus is the correct form and the family derives from Gaul.
Remy: Carrieres Senatoriales (1989) p.322-323 (§274 Ti. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus cos ord 244)
Scheid: Freres Arvales 69-304 (1990) p.102-103, 427-430 (Pollenius Auspex maior P537)
Stein, A: "Zwei lykische Inschriften", in AEM (Archäologisch-epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn) Bd.19, (1896) p.147-150
gives the original inscription from Xanthos in Lycia describing Pollenia Honorata's family. (see also ILS8841)
Stein: Dazien (1944) p.68-69 (Pollenius Auspex minor P538, he sets his governorship of Dacia to 225/230 and identifies him with P539).
Stein: Moesien (1940) p.82-84 (assigns the governorship of Moesia Inf of 193-197 to Auspex maior P537; Pollenius Auspex newer scholars prefer his son Auspex minor P538)
Suolahti, Jaakko: Junior Officers (1955) p.316, 381 (Cn. Pollienus)
Thomasson: Fasti Africani (1996) p.76-77 (§98 Pollienus Auspex P537 procos Africa c.186/197), p.180-181 (§57 Ti. Iulius Pollienus Auspex P539
governor of Numidia under Caracalla or Elegabal)
Thomasson: SPQR (1975) p.56-60 (P537, P538, P536, P539)
Winkler: Reichsbeamten von Noricum (1969) p.89-93 (§3 Pollienus Sebennus P540)
Dem50 PME.P49
Cn. Pollienus Cn.f.
inscription at Thermae Himeraea, Sicilia (founded 21 BC by veterans of legio XII)
tr mil legio XII
P537 RE2 Rüpke2743 RE1
(Pollienus)         (Ti.?) Pollenius (or Pollienus) Auspex maior Pollienus Auspex
cos suff c.170/175 leg Aug pro pr Dalmatia c.173/175 frat Arv by c.180 still frat Arv 204
iudex vice sacra ex delegatione Caesarum c.176/180 likely = P537 or possibly his son P538
XV vir sf, praef alimentorum viarum Appiae et Flaminiae III c.177/180
procos Africa c.190/195, frat Arv (?)
ment 208
P540 RE5 P538 RE3 A1059
Pollienus Sebennus (Ti.?) Pollenius (or Pollienus) Auspex minor L. Armenius Peregrinus
witness vs aedil Baebius Marcellinus cos suff sub Commodus c.185 pr 213 cos suff an inc ?
who was exc 205 iudex vice sacra ex delegatione Caesaris frat Arv
leg Aug pro pr Noricum 205/6-208 leg Aug pro pr Hisp Cit c.186/189
saved by his uncle from Tres Dacia c.190/192 Moesia Inf 193/4-195
prosecution 208 Brit Sup 198/200 frat Arv ?
test adopt post 220
P539 RE Poll1(RE Jul396)   P536 RE4   A1060
Ti. Iulius Pollienus Auspex Ti. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus   Armenius Titianus
clar vir, clar vir, procos Lycia et Pamph c.242/243 frat Arv 240
leg Aug pro pr Numidia 212/222 cos ord 244 procos Asia ????
cos suff in absentia 212/222 or adopted son of P539
praeses rarissimus, innocentissimus, ~ (Flavia Iulia), F297, dt of 
Flavius Iulius Latronianus
cos suff c.225C/230 PUR 238/243
P541 RE6
(Pollenia) Honorata
ALTERNATIVE STEMMA                                                  
P537 RE2 Rüpke2743 RE1
(Pollienus)         (Ti.?) Pollenius (or Pollienus) Auspex maior Pollienus Auspex
cos suff, leg Aug pro pr Dalmatia frat Arv by c.180 still frat Arv 204
iudex vice sacrum ex delegatione Caesarum c.198/202 likely = P537 or possibly his son P538
XV vir sf, praef alimentorum viarum Appiae et Flaminiae III,
Moesia Inf c.194/196, procos Africa , frater Arvalis,
ment 208
P540 RE5 P538 RE3 P539 RE Poll1(RE Jul396)
Pollienus Sebennus Ti. Iulius Pollienus Auspex
witness vs aedil Baebius Marcellinus clar vir,
who was exc 205 leg Aug pro pr Numidia 212/222
leg Aug pro pr Noricum 205/6-208 cos suff in absentia 212/222
saved by his uncle from iudex vice sacra ex delegatione Caesaris
prosecution 208 leg Aug pro pr Hisp Cit, Tres Dacia, Brit Sup c.230
? ~ (Armenia Peregrina) dt of L. Armenius Peregrinus pr 213 cos suff ?
P536 RE4    
Ti. Pollenius Armenius Peregrinus
clar vir, procos Lycia et Pamph c.242/243
cos ord 244 procos Asia ????
~ (Flavia Iulia), F297, dt of 
Flavius Iulius Latronianus
cos suff c.225C/230 PUR 238/243
P541 RE6
(Pollenia) Honorata