Created: 19th January 2015
Update:  28th October 2018
Status Republic: Patrician:     Pleb. Nobilis:       Senatorial:      Eques Romanus:      Local magistrate:  
Republican Family / Cognomen
Patrician n/a
Pleb. Nobilis n/a
Senatorial n/a
Equestrian n/a
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Imperial Family / Cognomen
Imperators n/a
Consular n/a
Senatorial n/a
Equestrian n/a
Equestrian (mil) Claudius Heras
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Republican Consuls, Tribunes with consular power, Dictators, Magister Equitum, Censors 0
Imperial Consuls and Emperors (Augusti and Caesars) 0 incl. 0 emperors
Notes: Galatia proper was divided into three districts, each corresponding to one of the three major Galatian tribes: the Tolistobogii (around Pessinus and Gordium in the West),
the Tectosages (around Ancyra in the centre) and the Trocmi (on the right bank of the Halys river in the East), each ruled from 63/62 BC by a Tetrarch. Previously there were 4 tetrarchs per tribe, 
until king Mitradates VI of Pontus murdered most of the Galatian nobility in 86 BC; only 3 escaped. A 4th tribe Tosiopetes is postulated by Coskun.
Mithradates of Pergamon, son of Menodotus, was assumed to be an illegitimate son of Mithradates VI King of Pontus.
The dating of the priests of Augustus in Ancyra follows Coskun's redating from (AD 19/20 to AD 36/37) to (5/4 BC-AD16/17). The annual priesthood probably began 23rd September, the birthday of Augustus.
Literature Adcock, F.E.: "Lesser Armenia and Galatia after Pompey's Settlement of the East", in The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 27, Part 1: Papers Presented to Sir Henry Stuart Jones (1937), pp. 12-17
suggests that Deiotarus I did not become king of Armenia Minor until c.52 BC.
Coskun, Altay: "Amici Populi Romani, Prosopography of the Foreign Friends of the Romans (3rd Century BCE–4th Century CE)", Waterloo, Ontario, 2017, URL link on
Baes on several previous articles Coskun proposes radical changes to the traditional stemma; see below. He also redates the high priests of Ancyra; accepted by Mitchell in Inscriptions of Ankara.
Coskun, Altay: "Neue Forschungen zum Kaiserkult in Galatien. Edition der Priester-Inschriften des Ankyraner Sebasteions (Dittenberger II 1903/70, 533 = Bosch 51) und Revision der frühen Provinzialgeschichte" 
in Josef Fischer (ed.): Der Beitrag Kleinasiens zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike, Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums, Wien, 3.-5. November 2010 
(Österr. Ak. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Klasse, Denkschriften 469), Wien 2014, p.35-73. (NOT AVAILABLE TO ME)
Devijver, H.: " De Aegypto et Exercitu Romano (1975) p.47-48 (§38 Ti. Claudius Heras)
Eder, Walter and Renger, Johannes: "Brill's Chronologies of the Ancient World , New Pauly Names, Dates and Dynasties", New Pauly Supplement I,Leiden, 2007, p.102-105
has Domnilaus the son and successor of Brogitarus as tetrarch of the Trocmi.
Hohen, Wolfgang: "Untersuchungen zur Stellung kleinasiatischer Dynasten in den Machtkämpfen der ausgehenden römischen Republik", Mainz 1969, p.54-138 on Galatian dynasty from 86 to 25 BC.
He does not mention Brigatos as king.
Magie: Asia Minor (1950) p.372-374 with notes p.1235-1238, 1275-1276, 1283
Mitchell, Stephen "Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor", Volume 1: "The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule", Oxford, 1993, traditional stemma p.28 and list of priests
at Ancyra with old dates (19/20 AD to 36/37 AD)
Mitchell, Stephen and French, David: "The Greek and Latin inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra)", Vol. 1: "From Augustus to the end of the third century AD", München, 2012 (Vestigia 62),
p.138-150 (Priests of the imperial cult on the temple of Augustus, dated following Coskun)
Settipani: Continuite (2000) p.463-467 with proposed stemma linking the Iulii Severi to the kings of Galatia (see separate stemma of the Iulii Severi)
Sullivan, Richard D.: "Near Eastern Royalty and Rome 100 - 30 BC", University of Toronto Press,1990, pp.48-51, 163-174 plus stemma 3 at end of book
He has Domnilaus as the brother of Castor I Tarcondarius
Changes 2018.10.28 New header, reference list plus many updates. Servenii, Iulii Severi and Iulii Quadrati moved to new stemmata. A revised stemma based on Coscun's new research added.
Tetrarch of the Tolistobogii
poisoned by wife of predecessor
RE1 RE2   not in RE RE1
Deiotarus other sons     Deiotarus I Philoromaios Tarcondarios Eporedorix
Tetrarch of the Trocmi put to death by their * c.120 Tetrarch of the Tolistobogii 86-40 Tetrarch of the Tectosages Tetrarch of the Tosiopetes
father to ensure a recognised by Pompeius c.64 as sole Tetrarch (King) of the Tolistobogii † 86 killed by Mithradates VI
peaceful succession King of Armenia Minor 64/3-48/47(recognized 60)
recognized as king of the Tolistobogii by Roman senate 59
Tetrarch of the Trocmi c.53/51 to 47 and again in 44
unified Galatia c.42/1 as first King when tetrarch of the Tectosages
† 40
1 ~ Berenice, descended from Attalus III King of Pergamon
  ? 2 ~ Stratonice, grd. dt of  Attalus II of Pergamon  
RE1 RE1   not in RE RE3   RE8   RE1  
Adobogiona   Brogitarus Philorhomaios ~ Adobogiona Deiotarus II Philopator   daughter       sons   daughter ~ Castor I Tarcondarius     Domnilaus (or Domnekleios)
(or = Bogodiataros in Strabo) * c.85/70 † 42/41 Tetrarch of the Tectosages c.86 possible also Tetrarch of  the
~  Menodotus mention as tetrarch c.100/90 co-king of father 52/51 as ~  Amyntas (A572 RE21) murdered confirmed tetrarch by Pompeius c.64 Tectosages
priest of Pergamon Tetrarch of the Trocmi 64/3 recognized by Roman senate son of Dyitalos, secretary of the king, by her father † 42/41 murdered by his † 48 at battle of Pharsalus
King of the Trocmi 58-53/51 † c.43/42 general 42 made King of Pisidia by father-in-law Deiotarus I
controlled priest of Magna Mater ~  dt of Artavasdes II M. Antonius 41/40, confirmed by senate 39
of Pessinus 58 last mention 53 King of Armenia c.55-34 King of Galatia 37/36-25 installed by M.Antonius
† 53/51 received Cilicia Tracheia 30
† 25 killed in battle
Galatia a Roman province 25 BC
RE15   P1098 RE5 ??   not in RE cf RE8 RE1  
Mithradates Pylaemenes     daughter             daughter ~ Brigatos         Castor II Adiatorix
of Pergamon, illegitimate son 4th and 12th high priest at  accused Deiotarus I in Rome 45 M. Antonius appointed him
of Mithradates of Pontus temple of Ancyra King of Galatia King of Galatia 40-36 † ruler of Heraclea Pontica c.41
Tetrarch of the Trocmi 47 2/1 BC and 7/8 AD ?? ~  Gaizatodiastos c.40-37/6 King of Paphlagonia 40-36 † 29 exc by Octavian
installed by CAESAR ~  Adobogiona
King of Bosporus 47-46 Queen of Paphlagonia and Prusias
† 47/46 ?? attested on coin of Deiotarus III 14/6 BC
  not in RE   not in RE not in RE   RE5   D36 RE4 D212 not in RE
daughter Amyntas   Amyntas II     Castor Castor Deiotarus IV Philopator Deiotarus III Philadelphos Dyteutus     son
son of Gaizatodiastos son of Brigatos son of Brigatos "King" (of Paphlagonia?) King of Paphlagonia 36-6 BC high priest of † 29 exc by
~  Menes or Menas high priest at temple Tetrarch of the 2nd high priest at temple co-regent of father Paphlagonia annexed to Roman Comana Pontica Octavian
of Ancyra 1/2 AD Tectosages of Ancyra 4/3 BC † by 36 province of Galatia 6/5 BC appointed by
? or a son of  D36 ? ~  Stratonice Augustus
    † 34/5 AD when Comana
not in RE not in RE was included in Pontus Galaticus
Pylaemenes Artemidoros
high priest at temple
of Ancyra 15/16 ?
J573 RE484 J147 RE65
C. Iulius C.f. Severus         Iulius Amyntianus
cos suff 138/9
descedent of king Deiotarus, 
descendent of Amyntas, son of Brigatos
descendent of Amyntas, son of Dyitalus
descendent of king Attalus of Pergamum
see separate stemma of Iulii Severi
KINGS OF GALATIA (according to Coskun) 
Tetrarch of the Tolistobogii until 107/102
poisoned by wife of predecessor
RE1 RE2   not in RE RE1
Deiotarus other sons     Deiotarus I Philoromaios Tarcondarios Eporedorix
Tetrarch of the Trocmi put to death by their * c.120 Tetrarch of the Tolistobogii 107/102 Tetrarch of the Tectosages Tetrarch of the Tosiopetes
father to ensure a recognised by Pompeius c.64 as sole Tetrarch (King) of the Tolistobogii † 86 killed by Mithradates VI
peaceful succession King of Armenia Minor 64/3-48/47(recognized 60)
recognized as king of the Tolistobogii by Roman senate 59
Tetrarch of the Trocmi c.53/51 to 47 and again in 44
unified Galatia 42/41 as first King when tetrarch of the Tectosages
† 40
1 ~ Berenice, descended from Attalus III King of Pergamon
RE1 RE1   not in RE RE3   ??  RE8   RE1  
Adobogiona   Brogitarus Philorhomaios ~ Adobogiona Deiotarus II Philopator   daughter           daughter ~ Castor I Tarcondarius   Domnilaus (or Domnekleios)
(or = Bogodiataros in Strabo) * c.85/70 † 42/41 Tetrarch of the Tectosages c.86 Tetrarch of  the Tosiopetes 86
~  Menodotus mention as tetrarch c.100/90 co-king of father 52/51 as ~  Amyntas (A572 RE21) murdered confirmed tetrarch by Pompeius c.64 † 48 at battle of Pharsalus
priest of Pergamon Tetrarch of the Trocmi 64/3 recognized by Roman senate son of Dyitalos, secretary of the king, by her father † 42/41 murdered by his
King of the Trocmi 58-53/51 † c.43/42 general 42 made King of Pisidia by father-in-law
controlled priest of Magna Mater 1 ~  Stratonice → M. Antonius 41/40, confirmed by senate 39
of Pessinus 58 last mention 53 dt of Castor I Tarcondarius King of Galatia 37/36-25 installed by M.Antonius
† 53/51 2 ~  dt of Artavasdes II received Cilicia Tracheia 30
King of Armenia c.55-34 † 25 killed in battle
  1 1      
RE15   not in RE not in RE   P1098 RE5 not in RE   cf RE8 RE1  
Mithradates Brigatos         Castor daughter   Pylaemenes   Stratonice     Castor II   Adiatorix
of Pergamon, illegitimate son King of Galatia King of Paphlagonia 4th and 12th high priest at  accused Deiotarus I in Rome 45 M. Antonius appointed him
of Mithradates of Pontus c.41/0-37/6 c.41/40-37/31 ~ Brigatos temple of Ancyra ~ Deiotarus II Tetrarch of Tectosages ruler of Heraclea Pontica c.41
Tetrarch of the Trocmi 47 ~  dt of Amyntas,  King of Galatia 2/1 BC and 7/8 AD † c.42/41 † 29 exc by Octavian
installed by Caesar King of Galatia ~  Adobogiona
King of Bosporus 47-46
† 47/46
not in RE not in RE D36 RE4 ? not in RE D212 not in RE   ? RE1
Amyntas II       Castor Deiotarus III Philadelphos   Adobogiana Dyteutus     son     Ateporix
son of Brigatos son of Brigatos King of Paphlagonia 37/1-6 BC Queen of Paphlagonia and Prusias high priest of † 29 exc by dynast of Caranitis part of
Tetrarch of the Trocmi 2nd high priest at temple Paphlagonia annexed to Roman attested on coin of Deiotarus III 14/6 BC Comana Pontica Octavian Zelitis in Pontus, 
? 37/26-21/20 BC of Ancyra 4/3 BC province of Galatia 6/5 BC ? ~  Deiotarus III Philadelphos c. or post 29 Caranitis absorbed
† 6 BC her brother appointed by into Galatia 3 BC
? ? ~  Adobogiana his sister Augustus
  not in RE RE5   not in RE
  Deiotarus   Deiotarus IV Philopator Albiorix
  priest of Cybele, "King" (of Paphlagonia?) high priest at temple
  moneyer of  Pessinus 16/17 AD co-regent of father of Ancyra twice
  coin dated 14/6 BC 1 BC/1AD and 3/4 AD
    † before father 6 BC  
  PME-C144 not in RE
Iulii Severi Ti. Claudius Heras Aristocles
see separate stemma trib. Quir., son a (Deiota)ros high priest at temple
priest of Cybele at Midaion, of Ancyra 11/12 AD
sebastophant of Pessinus
6 times high priest of temple at Ancyra
praef cohort in Galatia sub Vespasian in Judaean war, 
tr mil XII Ful in Cappadocia tr mil III Cyr in Arabia,
dona militaria,
Ti. Claudius Heras f. Deiotarus
trib. Quir.
2 times high priest at temple of Ancara ante 96
sebastophant of Pessinus
priest of Attis