Created: 19th March 2014
Update:  21st May 2022
Status Republic: Patrician:     Pleb. Nobilis:       Senatorial: X    Eques Romanus:      Local magistrate:  
Republican Family / Cognomen
Patrician n/a
Pleb. Nobilis n/a
Senatorial no cognomen, Flaccus, Scrofa
Equestrian n/a
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Imperial Family / Cognomen
Imperators n/a
Consular Scrofa ?
Senatorial n/a
Equestrian n/a
Equestrian (mil) n/a
Local magistrat. n/a
Uncertain n/a
Republican Consuls, Tribunes with consular power, Dictators, Magister Equitum, Censors 0
Imperial Consuls and Emperors (Augusti and Caesars) 1 incl. 0 emperors
Notes: Tremellius or Tremelius (attested on inscription). RE5 is a mixup of two men, father and son.
The correct form is Tremelius. Scrofa means "sow".
Literature Alexander: Trials (1990) p.88 (§177 Cn. Tremellius Scrofa, iuror in Verres case 70 BC)
Baldwin: Fasti Cretae and Cyrenarum (1983) p.60 (Scrofa's province in 51 BCC could be Creta et Cyrene or Macedonia9
Broughton: MRR Supplement p.207-208 (discusses RE5 Cn. Senior and Cn. Iunior)
Brunt, P.A.: "Cn. Tremellius Scrofa the Agronomist", in The Classical Review, Vol.22, 1972, p.304-308 (divides the career into two different Scrofae)
Brunt, P.A.: "Corrigendum. Cn. Tremellius Scrofa the Agronomist", in The Classical Review, Vol.23, 1973, p.295
Bur: La Citoyenneté dégradée 312 av. Chr. ŕ 96 ap. Chr. (2013) p.54-56 (§11 Cn. Tremellius C.f.?. , expelled from senate 169 BC, suggests his father was RE1)
Goldmann: Die Statthalter der römischen Provinzen von 60 bis 50 vor Christus, Dissertation Göttingen, (2012) p.199 (Cn.? Tremelius Scrofa, governor of Eastern province 51-50)
Klein: Sicilien und Sardinien (1878) p.23 (Cn. Tremellius Flaccus, pr Sicilia 202)
Manacorda, Daniele: "Tremelius Scrofa e la cronologia delle iscrizioni sepolcrali urbane della prima etŕ imperiale", in Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica 
Comunale di Roma , Vol.86, 1978-1979, p.89-107 (inscription suggestion the cos suff of 21 was a Scrofa)
Moore: Expulsion from the Senate (2013) p.239-247 (with suggested stemmata of the Tremellii)
Niccolini: Fasti dei Tribuni della Plebe (1934) p.127 (Cn. Tremellius tr pl 168 BC), 
Nicolet: Prosopographie (1974) p.1049-1051 (Nicolet argues for three Tremellii: 1) the agronmist, 2) the q71 and 3) )the tr mil 69
Perl, G.: "Cn. Tremelius Scrofa in Gallia Transalpina", in the American Journal of Ancient History vol. 5.2, 1980, p.97-105 (NOT AVAILABLE TO ME)
(he also divides RE5 into two different persons)
Polo: Quaestorship in the Roman Republic (2019) p.326 (Cn. Tremellius Flaccus, RE5, q. before 205; Cn. Tremellius Scrofa, RE5, q. by 87?, pr. by 77 or 72?; 
Cn. Tremellius Scrofa, RE5, q. 71, pr. by 60?), p.327 (L. Tremellius Scrofa, RE6, q. 143 or 142, or q. 143 and proq. 142, in Macedonia,  pr. by 136)
Prag: Roman Magistrates in Sicily, 227-49 BC (2007) p.295 (Cn. Tremelius Flaccus, praetor 202 BC)
Suolahti, Jaakko: Junior Officers (1955) p.392 (§254 Tremellii: Cn. Tremellius, tr mil 69)
Taylor: Voting Districts (1960/2013) p.260 (Tremellia - L. Tremellius Cn.f. Scrofa, in tribus Camilia, RE6)
Zmeskal: adfinitas (2009) p.269 (Tremellii, RE5 and RE6)
Changes 2014.03.19 original version
2022.05.21 New header, reference list plus many updates
praetor (c.275)
1st praetor in 7 generations of praetors
(Cn.) Tremellius
praetor (c.240)
Cn. Tremellius Flaccus   (C.?) Tremellius  
q 206 amb 205 aed pl 203 
pr Sicilia 202
RE2   RE1  
Cn. Tremellius   C. Tremellius
q by 168 expelled 169  X vir agr.dand.assig. 173
tr pl 168 pr 159 ? pr 175 or 174 or 170
? Or father of RE2
L. Tremellius Cn.f. Scrofa  
trib Cam.
q Macedonia 143 or 142 pr c.136
witness SC de Prienensibus 135
cf RE5
(L. or Cn.) Tremellius  
pr c.100
Cn. Tremellius (L.f. or Cn.f.?) Scrofa
q c.87 pr c.77 (or 72)
led army in Gallia Transalpina 79 or 71/68
XX vir on Caesars agrarian law 59
7th of gens to be pr, agronomist,
RE5 Nic359
Cn. Tremellius Scrofa  
q 71 iudex 70 tr mil 69 pr
propr 51-50 (Creta et Cyrene ?)
alive 45
T337 RE3 Laet384
Cn. Tremelius (Scrofa?)
pr urb 17 AD (EDR080256 )
cos suff 21 AD